Why I’m going to stop blogging on LifeBeautyLens

why i'm going to stop blogging on LifeBeautyLens - LifeBeautyLens.wordpress.com

You may or may not have noticed that I have recently been less active than usual on social media and pretty much neglected my blog of late. For which I've apologised for on my Instagram and Twitter. But now it's all come to a head and I wanted to let you know why and what's … Continue reading Why I’m going to stop blogging on LifeBeautyLens

Why I Deleted Hundreds of My Instagram Photos

Why I Deleted Hundreds of My Instagram Photos - Why I Deleted 50% of My Instagram Photos - LifeBeautyLens.com

I've been looking to tidy things up on my social media recently. It all started with rearranging and organising my Pinterest Boards and once I started I didn't want to stop. Naturally, this led to looking at my Instagram, which I'd been growing restless with. When I was pushed to finally do what I'd been … Continue reading Why I Deleted Hundreds of My Instagram Photos

Dr Botanicals Moroccan Rose & Shea Butter Body Repairing Cream

Dr Botanicals Moroccan Rose & Shea Butter Body Repairing Cream-Review-Loving-Your-Skin-Series-LifeBeautyLens.com

Welcome to first in a new series of posts about loving your skin. I have some great products I've been using coming up in the series. That has changed my skin for the better and made me more confident about going without makeup. I was originally going to include this product in a post about … Continue reading Dr Botanicals Moroccan Rose & Shea Butter Body Repairing Cream