Why I’m going to stop blogging on LifeBeautyLens

why i'm going to stop blogging on LifeBeautyLens - LifeBeautyLens.wordpress.com

You may or may not have noticed that I have recently been less active than usual on social media and pretty much neglected my blog of late. For which I’ve apologised for on my Instagram and Twitter. But now it’s all come to a head and I wanted to let you know why and what’s going to happen. Which is pretty obvious from the blog title, ‘Why I’m going to stop blogging on LifeBeautyLens’, but not that simple.

So, when I started blogging I was unwell and unemployed. Meaning that I had oodles of time. Which was great for learning about it all and being creative and trying new things. I’ve loved blogging and it’s helped me makes new friends that I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise from around the country and the world.


However, now I’m recovered from Sepsis and Kidney failure, and no longer having or recovering from surgeries, I’m a lot busier.

Which is great!

It’s great to have so much to do. But at the moment, I’ve got so much to do. Looking for an applying for jobs is a full-time job in itself. As well as the work that I’m doing with my surgeon and his team for all the research about Pectus Excavatum, I’ve also been trying to finish my book to send to people. Just to mention a few.

Which means I’ve gone from having an empty diary to a very busy diary, and I’m having to prioritise.

I’ve had enough of feeling like a bad blogger. As well as everything else.

Mental health is just as important and physical health and I want to get healthier and fitter. And I need to start saying no to things more than I have been.

So, I’m going to stop writing blog posts and write posts on my Instagram instead (Micro-blogging) and making IGTV videos. I’m also open to collaborating with others. As I have with people like ABetterKind and AFilmClub.

I may return to blogging in the future. But right now, I have to prioritise and this is one of the things that I have to say no to.

Thank you for sticking with me. You can find me on my Instagram and Twitter.

Update January 2019 – you can find me now on my new website http://www.daydreamwriterepeat.com



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